
Lectures Spring 2025


Lectures take place in The Royal Marine Hotel, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire at 8pm.

FREE PARKING for those attending lectures

Wednesday 19th March           “Richard Toucher – Father of Dun   

                                                     Laoghaire’s Asylum Harbour”

                                                   Speaker: Rob Goodbody.


Wednesday 16th April             AGM and Treasure Night.


Wednesday 21st May              “6th Battalion – South County and the War

                                                    of Independence”

                                                   Speaker: James Brady                      

Our Facebook page –DLBHS.com/ Dun Laoghaire History Society – please sign up to view all our activities.

To contact the Federation of Local History Societies, and view all the activities – use the link attached:  localhistory.ie


34th edition of our Journal is available at our lectures – @ €10:00

Also available, Carrickbrennan Graveyard, The story of the Pavilion,

Post and packaging: – Ireland €4:50 UK/ rest of the world €5:50

 **Please note that Annual Membership Subscriptions are due on January 1st 2025**

Single: €15:00. Family: €20:00. Retired/Unwaged: €10:00. Retired Family: €15:00.

Entrance to lectures:  €5:00

Hon SecAnna Scudds 7 Northumberland Park Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin PH 012806213 not after     9pm local time.

